Inbound Marketing


The new way of sales is where people beat a track to your front door.


Inbound Marketing

You may have noticed your Outbound Marketing is becoming less effective and have a very common problem of generating a reasonable return on investment. In particular if you’re using ad words or another type of outbound (disruptive) type of advertising.

The main reason is people are now fragmenting into smaller tribes and communicating in a more sophisticated way.  These smaller tribes are resistant to your marketing messages making it harder to engage and ultimately sell to them.

Over 15 years ago we used to advertise in the newspaper, magazines, TV, Radio or nice magazines. Today we have over 180 prominent social media platforms, the traditional media and all of the associated spin offs from them. No wonder we can’t connect with our customers.

Inbound Marketing is Today’s Solution

This is where Inbound Marketing comes in.

Instead of disrupting people’s lives trying to sell stuff to them, you create magnetic pieces of content to solve a question/problem and add value to their life.

The statistics are pretty powerful surrounding the methodology;

  1. 90% of people search Google with a question like; “How can I?” or “What does this do?” or compare this product v’s that product. 
  2. 92% of people click on an organic result that answers their question.
  3. 88% of people research 10.8 Blogs before making a decision.


Resulting in a massive 60% of the sales process being completed before the phone rings, meaning you could be fighting over the scraps in the last 40% of the process.

Your content can be crafted to suit the need of customers as they move through the Buyer’s Journey, engaging them further in the sales/conversion process.

buyers journey


The second part of this process is to engage the customer in the sales process. So we can deliver the content at the appropriate time in the buyers' journey and the stage they are in the sales funnel.

For example, you might create several pieces of content to answer a specific question your customer might need answered. With this piece you might have a relevant eBook to be downloaded. From here you can then automate the sales process to nurture the lead.

In this way you’ll be generating leads for your sales team, from people who are into your product making it easier to convert the customer for the sales team.

When compared to Outbound Marketing, Inbound Marketing has been seen to be 126% more effective than comparable outbound alternatives.

We’re here to ensure your campaign drives the maximum ROI for you.