I can remember as a kid singing,
"He's got the whole world in his hands..."
Well today, according to research done by AIMIA, 89% of us in Australia will have one or more mobile devices in our hands delivering the world to us.
The smartphone revolution has changed just about everything we do, and commerce is no exception. M-commerce (using your mobile to bank, pay bills or transact online), has been growing by 42% per annum.
By the end of 2016, online spending via mobile in Australia is expected to lift by up to 204% from the current figures of 3.4 million users.
Add to this, where recently Bendigo Bank completed the first bank retail mobile payment in Australia.
Futurists are saying the whole retail experience will be changed in the next 5 years to involve no counter, a mobile phone and no cash. This is also what Generation Next is going to want.
By the way, they’re only 7 years away from hitting our stores.
Merge, Achieve, and Master…
To stay relevant and move forward in the M-Commerce era, we need to start at a strategy level and address the following five (5) key issues;
1. Embrace the new technology and make the product offering our own, to
differentiate us in the marketplace.
2. Adapt product offerings and information to be more M-centric.
3. Collaborate with the skills agents instead of developing in-house and leverage
their technology and skill sets.
4. Create barriers to entry for the marketplace through technology
5. Solve customers’ problems and make it REALLY easy for the user to use, love and share your brand.
Most importantly, have a vision of what the future will look like for you and your customers.
Mobile integration is crucial to sustaining any form of business these days. Learn how Element 7 Digital can prepare you for this inevitable future by contacting us on (03) 5249 5570 or email andy@element7digital.com.au
Visit our website element7digital.com.au